
A method is proposed for optimizing circuits of sequential devices which are used in cyber-physical systems (CPSs) implemented using field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The optimizing hardware is a very important problem connected with implementing digital parts of CPSs. In this article, we discuss a case when Mealy finite state machines (FSMs) represent behaviour of sequential devices. The proposed method is aimed at optimization of FSM circuits implemented with look-up table (LUT) elements of FPGA chip. The method aims to reduce the LUT count of Mealy FSMs with extended state codes. The method is based on finding a partition of the set of internal states by classes of compatible states. To reduce LUT count, we propose a special kind of state codes named composite state codes. The composite codes include two parts. The first part includes the binary codes of states as elements of some partition class. The second part consists of the code of corresponding partition class. Using composite state codes allows us to obtain FPGA-based FSM circuits with exactly two levels of logic. If some conditions hold, then any FSM function from the first level is implemented by a single LUT. The second level is represented as a network of multiplexers. Each multiplexer generates either an FSM output or input memory function. An example of synthesis is shown. The experiments prove that the proposed approach allows us to reduce hardware compared with two methods from Vivado, JEDI-based FSMs, and extended state assignment. Depending on the complexity of an FSM, the LUT count is reduced on average from 15.46 to 68.59 percent. The advantages of the proposed approach grow with the growth of FSM complexness. An additional positive effect of the proposed method is a decrease in the latency time.

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