
Abstract Animal welfare is a growing scientific field that is constantly changing and improving. The importance of this field is becoming more evident in all production agriculture settings, including cattle and dairy production units. In 2007, Fraser defined animal welfare as a 'mandatory science', one in which science has been used to guide actions, decisions and policy. While values-based ideas are an integral part of the idea of animal welfare, science-based ideas and the scientific method must be used to assess and improve animal welfare in our production units. Animal welfare practices must advance from the laboratory to the field. In this light, animal welfare outcome measures must be defined to allow people to measure and assess animal welfare in beef and dairy production units daily. This review focuses on defining the outcome-based measures that can be used in the cattle industry to increase our understanding of animal health and well-being. This paper will give farmers, ranchers and veterinarians a framework to determine if changes in management or other husbandry practices improve or compromise cattle health or welfare.

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