
The article presents the author’s interpretation of the concept of «human resources (HR) management», «HR policy», «labour potential». The article describes the basic components of HR policy. The author substantiates the important requirements for labor incentives, defines the concepts of «motive», «need», «interest», and «situational factors». The key elements and basic functions of motivation are investigated, and the relationship between need, motive, behavior (action), goal and result is established. The reasons for the emergence of the conflict situations are studied, modern approaches to resolving and preventing their occurrence in the future are proposed. The important prerequisites for the formation of an effective enterprise’s HR policy are described, including determination of the type and analysis of the available resources necessary for the implementation. The peculiarities of human resources management of the case study, specifics of the enterprise’s activities, opportunities and challenges of the reforming the forestry industry are presented. The European experience of forestry management, in particular, the successful combination and interaction between state authorities and business structures to achieve high performance and efficiency indicators, is studied. The organizational structure of the forestry enterprise, the human resources management system, the dynamics of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the employees of the branch «Radekhiv Forestry and Hunting» of the State Specialized Economic Enterprise «Forests of Ukraine» are investigated. The staffing table of the enterprise, job responsibilities of the engineering and technical staff, and the labour remuneration system are described. The mechanism of the optimization of the number of employees and expansion of the labour potential of the forestry enterprise is developed, proposals are substantiated and practical recommendations are given.

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