
The key points of the financial activity of small business development are justified. It is noted that entrepreneurship in the field of small business is determined by the activity of business entities, which is characterized by both features that are characteristic of business structures in general, and specific features that determine the peculiarities of such functioning of business entities in the sphere of the implementation of business tasks and goals. It was determined that the success of small business is determined by the conditions of the environment in which business structures function. It is clarified that such conditions should include economic, legal, socio-cultural, demographic, technological, natural-geographic and organizational conditions. It has been proven that ensuring the existence of all enterprises depends on its financial resources. The sources of formation of financial resources are the main feature of their classification. In practice, own and involved groups of sources of formation are distinguished. FG "Iryna – O.T" was chosen to evaluate the structure of sources of small enterprises. This is a farm, the main activity of which is grain and technical crops. During the studied period, the amount of financial resources is increasing. Having evaluated the financial management of the FG "Iryna – O.T" using various indicators, we came to the conclusion that the FG under study is profitable and financially independent. Having evaluated the formation, placement and efficiency of the use of financial resources, they came to the conclusion that the FG "Iryna – O.T" had a good financial condition, as evidenced by the relevant indicators: the amount of net profit increased by 469.8 thousand hryvnias; liquidity indicators of the FG indicate the liquid balance of the enterprise; the state of the FG in 2020–2022 is characterized as financially stable; the financial independence of the FG is high, which indicates a good state of financial resources; profitability indicators of FG had positive values. In general, FG "Iryna – O.T" has positive indicators of filling financial resources, their volume increases over the years, however, the FG has become completely independent of obligations and avoids a crisis situation associated with a lack of funds to pay debts. Farms are an important component of the market of economic relations between the world and Ukraine. In the conditions of hostilities, farmers and private peasant farms provided food for the local population and internally displaced persons, thus proving the stability and possibility of ensuring the existence of small producers.

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