
For improving the identification of potential heparin impurities such as oversulfated chondroitin sulfate (OSCS) the standard 2D 1H- 1H NMR NOESY was applied. Taking advantage of spin diffusion and adjusting the experimental parameters accordingly additional contaminant-specific signals of the corresponding sugar ring protons can easily be detected. These are usually hidden by the more intense heparin signals. Compared to the current 1D 1H procedure proposed for screening commercial unfractionated heparin samples and focusing on the contaminants acetyl signals more informative and unique fingerprints may be obtained. Correspondingly measured 1H fingerprints of a few potential impurities are given and their identification in two contaminated commercial heparin samples is demonstrated. The proposed 2D NOESY method is not intended to replace the current 1D method for detecting and quantifying heparin impurities but may be regarded as a valuable supplement for an improved and more reliable identification of these contaminants.

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