
KSrBi 2Ta 3O 12 (KSBT, in which there should be three TaO 6 octahedra between neighboring (Bi 2O 2) 2+ layers), was designed to improve ferroelectric polarization of SrBi 2Ta 2O 9 (SBT). Thin films of SBT and KSBT were fabricated on Pt/TiO 2/SiO 2/Si substrates by pulsed laser deposition for comparison study. No x-ray diffraction peaks of KTaO 3 could be detected in the XRD patterns of the KSBT films, indicating a single phase of KSBT was obtained. The measured remnant polarization ( 2 P r ) values of SBT and KSBT films were 3.6 μC/cm 2 and 15.6 μC/cm 2, respectively. The possible microstructural background responsible for the 4-times improved polarization was discussed. Furthermore, excellent ferroelectric fatigue-free property, retention property, and dielectric property of the KSBT films were exhibited experimentally. These results indicate that other than conventional site engineering such as substitution, adjusting the octahedra number between neighboring (Bi 2O 2) 2+ layers is an alternative way to improve polarization of SBT while keeping its fatigue-free characteristics.

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