
Determining the direction of arrival (DOA) of a sound source is important in spatial audio signal processing, as it can lead to substantial improvement in noise reduction performance. Techniques such as generalized cross correlation with phase transform (GCC-PHAT) and adaptive eigenvalue decomposition (AED) perform optimally when the measurement microphones are fixed in place. However, hearing-aid microphones move with the listener?s head movements, which can result in momentarily inaccurate directional estimates and noise artifacts in the output signal. Techniques such as GCC-PHAT experience degraded short-term performance in the presence of multiple signals and noise. The system presented measures instantaneous head movement velocity using a micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) gyroscope attached to binaurally-communicating hearing aids. Estimates of DOA for physically stationary sources are shifted based on the gyroscope's head-movement information. Using GCC-PHAT with gyroscopic input can produce robust in situ DOA estimates for several sources in reverberant environments. In addition, the gyroscope allows an adaptive beamformer to be steered to a target direction, compensating for head movements on a very short timescale during DOA estimation. Results show improved localization performance over a standard GCC-PHAT system during head movements.

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