
In the aspect of longitudinal beam bunching, the bunching strength can be controlled by the rf cavity phase and voltage. However, these machine parameters are different from those that interact with the beam itself. In order to gain control of the beam-cavity interaction, cavity calibration must be performed. Furthermore, it relies on fitting the beam energy gain versus cavity phase to a calibration function. Under the conventional assumption of relativistic beam conditions, the calibration function is a first harmonic sinusoidal function (a sinusoidal function with a period of $2\ensuremath{\pi}$). However, this expression is insufficient for a high-voltage bunching cavity. Due to beam acceleration inside the cavity, an energy bias and a second harmonic function should be included to modify the conventional calibration function, even for a relativistic electron beam. In this paper, we will derive this modification and provide a comparison to both the Coherent Electron Cooling Experiment and the impact-t simulation, respectively.

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