We develop the algorithmic theory of vertex separators and its relation to the embeddings of certain metric spaces. Unlike in the edge case, we show that embeddings into $L_1$ (and even Euclidean embeddings) are insufficient but that the additional structure provided by many embedding theorems does suffice for our purposes. We obtain an $O(\sqrt{\log n})$ approximation for minimum ratio vertex cuts in general graphs, based on a new semidefinite relaxation of the problem, and a tight analysis of the integrality gap which is shown to be $\Theta(\sqrt{\log n})$. We also prove an optimal $O(\log k)$-approximate max-flow/min-vertex-cut theorem for arbitrary vertex-capacitated multicommodity flow instances on k terminals. For uniform instances on any excluded-minor family of graphs, we improve this to $O(1)$, and this yields a constant-factor approximation for minimum ratio vertex cuts in such graphs. Previously, this was known only for planar graphs, and for general excluded-minor families the best known ratio was $O(\log n)$. These results have a number of applications. We exhibit an $O(\sqrt{\log n})$ pseudoapproximation for finding balanced vertex separators in general graphs. In fact, we achieve an approximation ratio of $O(\sqrt{\log {opt}})$, where ${opt}$ is the size of an optimal separator, improving over the previous best bound of $O(\log {opt})$. Likewise, we obtain improved approximation ratios for treewidth: in any graph of treewidth k, we show how to find a tree decomposition of width at most $O(k \sqrt{\log k})$, whereas previous algorithms yielded $O(k \log k)$. For graphs excluding a fixed graph as a minor (which includes, e.g., bounded genus graphs), we give a constant-factor approximation for the treewidth. This in turn can be used to obtain polynomial-time approximation schemes for several problems in such graphs.
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