
In this paper, systems of linear equations on sparse matrices investigated through modified improve method using Gauss-Seidel and successive overrelaxation (SOR) approach. Taking into adapted convergence rate on the Improve refinement Gauss-seidel outperformed the prior two Gauss-Seidel methods in terms of rate of convergence and number of iterations required to solve the problem by applying a modified version of the Gauss-Seidel approach. to observe the effectiveness of this method, the numerical example is given. The main findings in this study, that Gauss seidel improvement refinement gives optimum spectral radius and convergence rate. Similarly, the SOR improved refinement method gives. Considering their performance, using parameters such as time to converge, number of iterations required to converge and spectral radius level of accuracy. However, SOR works with relaxation values so that it greatly affects the convergence rate and spectral radius results if given greater than 1.

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