
Stanislaw Przybyszewski’s and Mikhail Bulgakov’s prose has similar features due to common sources, as well as the influence of the Polish decadency on this great Russian novel, namely, its themes, characters, vocabulary, syntax and intonation pattern. This similarity is not absolute but it can be traced in quotes and allusions. Certainly, the demonology of these two authors has a lot in common (not including Loci communes of the Common Slavic folklore). Furthermore, millennial heretic traditions kindled people’s interest in the first third of the 20 th century. As a result, authors favoured such anthologies as «Satanism» which had been written by F. Sologub, V. Bryusov, Th. Mann, A. France and S. Przybyszewski. Therefore, Bulgakov’s idea to create the «novel about the Devil» was not new, however its religious and philosophical essence, aesthetic and moral focus, artistic representation were unmatched. The Master and Margarita’s love story is described in accordance with the «fin de siecle la belle epoque» traditions and referred to S. Przybyszewski’s most significant works. The novels of the Polish and Russian authors are focused upon creative process which is a way of life, premonition, new opportunity and the representation of love. As it is often shown in the decadent literature, an unrecognised genius can find solace only in the embrace of a loving woman. S. Przybyszewski and his friend, sculptor G. Vigeland, associated this female figure with death that reminds the sweetest of dreams. M. Bulgakov followed their suit in his creative works. First the Polish author and then the Russian writer created the image of a white road which leads to a strange paradise where European medieval bridges are surrounded by tropical flowers and palms. The loving couple gets there riding winged horses. The «Prince of Darkness» send them to «the kingdom of eternal spring where love makes its magic and fills the Master’s soul with a creative power; to the kingdom of golden sand which covers feet and erases all memories». While on earth the Polish author and his beloved«who protects his soul from any danger and represents his sole inspiration» choose Tom to be their successor. This artist revives beauty and suffers in the moonlit nights when «it seems that a shadowy and mysterious park hosts a solemn mass and the whole world is sacrificed to it as a being of flesh and blood».

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