
Introduction. Human resources policy issues in medicine have always played a significant role in ensuring quality medical care for the population. Young specialists face high labor market demands and constant management pressure, without having ready adaptation strategies. The beginning of a success story is always challenging, and sometimes the impostor syndrome can have its influence. Persistent self-doubt leads to emotional exhaustion and the development of a cynical attitude towards others, which can further transform into burnout syndrome.
 THE AIM: To analyze the prevalence of the impostor phenomenon among young doctors in the field of “General Practice – Family Medicine” and explore potential correlations with burnout syndrome.
 MATERIALS AND METHODS. We conducted an anonymous cross-sectional survey of 27 young family doctors using The Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale and Maslach Burnout Inventory Human Services Survey for Medical Personnel. The research procedure adhered to accepted moral norms, rights, interests, and personal dignity of the participants, in line with the principles of bioethics outlined in the Helsinki Declaration “Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects” and the “Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (UNESCO)”.
 RESULTS. All respondents demonstrated a certain level of impostor syndrome severity, which might be related to a shift in professional role – the transition from intern to independent practitioner – a family doctor. Every fourth intern already showed signs of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, with 7% having developed burnout syndrome. It is not excluded that these changes are linked to working conditions and military actions on the territory of Ukraine.
 CONCLUSIONS. Nearly half of the respondents were categorized under intermediate burnout syndrome profiles (Overloaded, Ineffective, Detached), which can be corrected with timely identification and effective management. Without exception, all respondents exhibited various degrees of the impostor phenomenon. The impostor syndrome is closely related to emotional exhaustion (p=0.002) and depersonalization (p=0.000214) within the structure of burnout syndrome, allowing for the development of new correction approaches and optimization of burnout prevention strategies.

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