Summary Background Alpacas (Vicugna pacos), earlier named Lama pacos, belong to the family Camelidae of which there are 7 living species. Four are native to South America and of those four two are domestic species, the alpaca (Vicugna pacos) and the llama (Lama glama) and two are wild, the vicuna (Vicugna vicugna )a nd the guanaco (Lama guanicoe). These species are often referred to as the New World camels (NWCs) or the South American Camels (SACs) [1]. To the three Old World camels (OWCs) belong the bactrians or the two-humped camel (Camelus bactrianus). Lately it has been established that there are two different species of bactrians, one domesticated and one wild endangered species [2]. The latter lives on the border between Mongolia and China. The other domesticated OWC species is the more well known, the one-humped or the dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius). The Camelidae evolved and developed parallel to the Ruminantiae over 35 million years ago in North America [1] and have developed special anatomical and physiological features which are of great significance to their biology, well adapted to the extreme climatic environments of the rough countries of deserts and semi-deserts of Asia, the Middle East and Northern Africa (OWC) and the high altitude country of the Andes in South America (SAC/NWC), respectively. The Camelidae (long neck and small head) are members of the order of Artiodactyla (even number of digits), suborder Tylopoda (modified ruminants with pad or callus on each foot). All camelids have 37 pairs of chromosomes and the karyotypes are quite similar. The SACs can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. Important livestock
It is said to be responsible for 95 % of all losses due to ectoparasites in alpacas [12,13]
When diagnosis is not conclusive skin biopsies are recommended in skin disease
Differential diagnosis Any pruritic dermatitis may mimic infections/infestations by mange mites There are several other causes of skin lesions which should be mentioned as differential diagnostic possibilities apart from dermatitis of bacterial, viral and fungal etiology; e.g. immune mediated skin disease, hypersensitivity reactions, pemphigus like conditions, nutritional/metabolic disease, idiopathic hyperkeratosis, mineral deficiencies i.e. zinc responsive dermatosis
Alpacas (Vicugna pacos), earlier named Lama pacos, belong to the family Camelidae of which there are 7 living species. In regards to Chorioptes sp animals may harbour a relatively low level of infestation showing no clinical disease, while other individuals may experience a hypersensitivity reaction with moderate to severe skin lesions including pruritis, similar to a clinical reaction to acute S scabiei infections. Differential diagnosis Any pruritic dermatitis may mimic infections/infestations by mange mites There are several other causes of skin lesions which should be mentioned as differential diagnostic possibilities apart from dermatitis of bacterial, viral and fungal etiology; e.g. immune mediated skin disease, hypersensitivity reactions, pemphigus like conditions, nutritional/metabolic disease, idiopathic hyperkeratosis, mineral deficiencies i.e. zinc responsive dermatosis. In addition it is recommended to treat all the animals in the herd at the same time
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