
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is one of the agricultural crops, which is included in the main nutrition ration by taking into consideration that it consists of many nutritious elements and necessary for human organism. Therefore, the degree of using it as the second bread is increasing. If we consider today’s requirement it is obvious that potato products, which are being produced in agricultural branch, is not enough for the number of population and providing them using it as a food. However, different types of potato is at the place after grain crops according to sowing field, due to the fact that it is the type of crop, which has been planting in recent years, received yield is little. The main reason is that the scientific basis of creating potato types, which are suitable for agro climate conditions of the region, the most optimal sowing periods, used agrotechnical methods, was not fully made. Apart from this, there is a biotic factor that pests, which were adapted in the biotope of potato and widely spread in the agrobiocenosis, gather in the field, eat vegetative, generative organs of the plant, decrease the amount and quality of yield.

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