
Ayurved is an ancient science which is described in eight divisions like kaya, bal, griha, urdhvang (Shalakya )shalya ,Danshtra( agad,) Jara (rasayan) and vrushya (vajikaran). Among brihat-trayi Sushrut Sanhita is basic prime reference book of Shalya Tantra . Dhatus are very important, as they play important functions of Dharana and Poshana.. Sushrut has given due importance to only rakta dhatu in various context .Chief functions of Rakta dhatu is to keep individual alive . It is one of the dash pranayatan which circulates prana . Rakta in various forms like fenbhut, prasadbhut participates in the organogenesis , types of various diseases like vidradhi, visarpa, arsha, vranshoth and many more diseases are described according to rakta vitiations. In various surgical and Para surgical procesures Rakta has given importance. So this study on Importance of Rakta dhatu in Shalya Tantra according to Sushrut Sanhita is designed.

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