
Ayurveda is the most ancient science of life. The main aim of Ayurveda is “Swasthasya Swasthaya Rakshanam” which means to maintain the health of healthy person & “Aturasya Vikara Prashamanam” means to cure the diseases of diseased person; the concept of Anupana is beneficial for both the condition. It is one of the unique fundamental principles of Ayurveda under the title of drug administration. Anupana is a liquid material which is taken along with or after drug or food. The present study evaluated the role of Anupana in Ayurvedic treatment. The study was undertaken on 20 female patients of Pandu (anaemia) which were randomly divided into two groups—A & B. In Group A, navayas churna 125 mg with madhu, purnnava mandur 250 mg with takra & haritaki churna with usnodaka was given. In Group B, same medicine was given without any specific Anupana as mentioned in the text of Ayurveda. The haemoglobin value before & after the treatment were measured & assessed to compare for significance. The results showed that relief was more in group A as compared to group B. It can be concluded that treatment with the specific Anupana was most effective. Keywords: Anupana, Ayurveda, pandu, anaemia Cite this Article Tanwar A. To evaluate the role of Anupana in Ayurvedic treatment. Research and Reviews: Journal of Herbal Sciences. 2015; 4(3): 27–30p.

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