
Social participation plays a fundamental role in consolidating democratic principles and guaranteeing citizens' rights in the Brazilian context. In addition to periodic suffrage, the Federal Constitution recognizes the relevance of the contribution of individuals in the process of formulating and implementing public policies. Sectoral councils, for example, are established as mechanisms for dialogue and cooperation between the government and civil society. Social participation has a positive impact by expanding representativeness, strengthening transparency and fostering social control over government actions. In this sense, it is imperative to create appropriate spaces and promote strategies that value and strengthen social participation, with the aim of building a more just and democratic society. Within the scope of the legislative process, mechanisms such as public hearings and popular initiative bills play an important role in providing citizens with the opportunity to express their opinions and influence decisions. Furthermore, social participation is not restricted to the stage of drafting laws, but also encompasses their implementation and monitoring. The active engagement of citizens, through monitoring the activities of parliamentarians, contributes to the promotion of transparency and accountability and strengthens democratic principles. Active participation in the legislative process is a determining factor for more inclusive and responsive governance, thus seeking to build a just and egalitarian society.

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