
Choline oxidase catalyzes the flavin-dependent, two-step oxidation of choline to glycine betaine with the formation of an aldehyde intermediate. In the first oxidation reaction, the alcohol substrate is initially activated to its alkoxide via proton abstraction. The substrate is oxidized via transfer of a hydride from the alkoxide α-carbon to the N(5) atom of the enzyme-bound flavin. In the wild-type enzyme, proton and hydride transfers are mechanistically and kinetically uncoupled. In this study, we have mutagenized an active site serine proximal to the C(4a) and N(5) atoms of the flavin and investigated the reactions of proton and hydride transfers by using substrate and solvent kinetic isotope effects. Replacement of Ser101 with threonine, alanine, cysteine, or valine resulted in biphasic traces in anaerobic reductions of the flavin with choline investigated in a stopped-flow spectrophotometer. Kinetic isotope effects established that the kinetic phases correspond to the proton and hydride transfer reactions catalyzed by the enzyme. Upon removal of Ser101, there is an at least 15-fold decrease in the rate constants for proton abstraction, irrespective of whether threonine, alanine, valine, or cysteine is present in the mutant enzyme. A logarithmic decrease spanning 4 orders of magnitude is seen in the rate constants for hydride transfer with increasing hydrophobicity of the side chain at position 101. This study shows that the hydrophilic character of a serine residue proximal to the C(4a) and N(5) flavin atoms is important for efficient hydride transfer.

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