
 Tourism attraction by watersport on Melasti Beach Serangan from the beginning of December 2017 until mid- December 2017 the number of tourist visits has decreased to reach its lowest point of zero percent, and as for some of the tourist services business attractions are laid off in a certain period due to the eruption of Mount Agung. This research related to the implications of the eruption of Mount Agung on Melasti Serangan Beach is to find out how much the impact of the Mount Agung eruption on tourism on Serangan Island was located quite far from Mount Agung
 Consept that used to discuss the problems in this study is the concept of implication and concept of watersports. The method use qualitative data analysis techniques by conducting observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The technique of determining the informant is done by purposive sampling. Source of data obtained primary data sources in the form of in-depth interviews to the management of watersport tourism attractions in Melasti Serangan Beach and direct observation in the field. The secondary data source of this study is in the form of the Denpasar City tourism service website, such as the number of tourist visits to Serangan Island and previous research journals related to this study.
 The implication of the eruption of Mount Agung on watersport tourism attractions in Melasti Serangan Beach includes a direct influence which has resulted in a decrease in tourist visits. The influence referred includes changes in operational hours, but without shortening working hours. Almost all employees experience a policy of laying off a maximum of 20 days. A decrease in the number of tourist visits, especially in December. Similarly, the amount of income earned only reaches less than 50% of normal days.
 Keywords : implication, eruption, management, watersport


  • Salah satu daya tarik wisata alam yang mulai berkembang adalah Pantai Melasti

  • Tourism attraction by watersport on Melasti Beach Serangan from the beginning of December 2017 until midDecember 2017 the number of tourist visits has decreased to reach its lowest point of zero percent, and as for some of the tourist services business attractions are laid off in a certain period due to the eruption of Mount Agung

  • This research related to the implications of the eruption of Mount Agung on Melasti Serangan Beach is to find out how much the impact of the Mount Agung eruption on tourism on Serangan Island was located quite far from Mount Agung Consept that used to discuss the problems in this study is the concept of implication and concept of watersports

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Salah satu daya tarik wisata alam yang mulai berkembang adalah Pantai Melasti. Pantai Melasti terletak di Desa Serangan, Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan, Kota Denpasar. Gunung Agung sebagai salah satu gunung api yang aktif di Pulau Bali sebagai bagian dari potensi wisata alam ini telah mengakibatkan dampak yang cukup besar pasca erupsi yang ditimbulkan mulai dari awal bulan September 2017 lalu. Pasca terjadinya erupsi Gunung Agung telah mengakibatkan dampak yang cukup besar terhadap pariwisata Bali. Dampak tersebut meliputi penurunan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan ke atraksi wisata air di Pantai Melasti Serangan. Atraksi wisata air yang ada di Pantai Melasti Serangan dari awal bulan Desember 2017 hingga pertengahan Desember 2017 jumlah kunjungan wisatawan di Pantai Melasti Serangan mencapai titik terendah yaitu nol persen, dan adapun sebagian pegawai dari jasa usaha atraksi wisata tersebut dirumahkan dalam kurun waktu tertentu. Hal yang melatarbelakangi penulis melakukan penelitian terkait dengan implikasi erupsi Gunung Agung di Pantai Melasti Serangan adalah penulis ingin mengetahui sejauh mana pariwisata di Pulau Serangan sudah berkembang.

Jumlah Kunjungan Wisatawan Sebelum
Jumlah Kunjungan Wisatawan Pasca
Karyawan yang Dirumahkan atau PHK
Tingkat Kesejahteraan Karyawan
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