
Guided by Pippard superconductivity, we incorporate the Seiberg–Witten map in the classical London theory of Type-I superconductors when an external magnetic field is applied. After defining the noncommutative Maxwell potentials, we derive the London equation for the supercurrent as a function of the noncommutative parameter, up to second order in gauge fields expansions. Keeping track of the effects of noncommutative gauge fields, we argue that noncommutative magnetic field effects can be cast in the London penetration length similar to nonlocal Pippard superconductivity. Also, we show that the flux quantization remains consistent relative to the commutative case. Our effective London penetration length reduces to the standard one in the commutative limit. These results allow us to argue that the framework of noncommutative electrodynamics can give some insights into the anisotropic and nonlocal structure of superconductivity and Condensed Matter Systems, perhaps out of the ultra-microscopic scale regime.

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