
Building a universal quantum computer is a central goal of emerging quantum technologies, which has the potential to revolutionize science and technology. Unfortunately, this future does not seem to be very close at hand. However, quantum computers built for a special purpose, i.e. quantum simulators , are currently developed in many leading laboratories. Many schemes for quantum simulation have been proposed and realized using, e.g., ultracold atoms in optical lattices, ultracold trapped ions, atoms in arrays of cavities, atoms/ions in arrays of traps, quantum dots, photonic networks, or superconducting circuits. The progress in experimental implementations is more than spectacular.Particularly interesting are those systems that simulate quantum matter evolving in the presence of gauge fields.In the quantum simulation framework, the generated (synthetic) gauge fields may be Abelian, in which case they are the direct analogues of the vector potentials commonly associated with magnetic fields. In condensed matter physics, strong magnetic fields lead to a plethora of fascinating phenomena, among which the most paradigmatic is perhaps the quantum Hall effect. The standard Hall effect consists in the appearance of a transverse current, when a longitudinal voltage difference is applied to a conducting sample. For quasi-two-dimensional semiconductors at low temperatures placed in very strong magnetic fields, the transverse conductivity, the ratio between the transverse current and the applied voltage, exhibits perfect and robust quantization, independent for instance of the material or of its geometry. Such an integer quantum Hall effect, is now understood as a deep consequence of underlying topological order. Although such a system is an insulator in the bulk, it supports topologically robust edge excitations which carry the Hall current. The robustness of these chiral excitations against backscattering explains the universality of the quantum Hall effect. Another interesting and related effect, which arises from the interplay between strong magnetic field and lattice potentials, is the famous Hofstadter butterfly: the energy spectrum of a single particle moving on a lattice and subjected to a strong magnetic field displays a beautiful fractal structure as a function of the magnetic flux penetrating each elementary plaquette of the lattice.When the effects of interparticle interactions become dominant, two-dimensional gases of electrons exhibit even more exotic behaviour leading to the fractional quantum Hall effect. In certain conditions such a strongly interacting electron gas may form a highly correlated state of matter, the prototypical example being the celebrated Laughlin quantum liquid. Even more fascinating is the behaviour of bulk excitations (quasi-hole and quasi-particles): they are neither fermionic nor bosonic, but rather behave as anyons with fractional statistics intermediate between the two. Moreover, for some specific filling factors (ratio between the electronic density and the flux density), these anyons are proven to have an internal structure (several components) and non-Abelian braiding properties. Many of the above statements concern theoretical predictions—they have never been observed in condensed matter systems. For instance, the fractional values of the Hall conductance is seen as a direct consequence of the fractional statistics, but to date direct observation of anyons has not been possible in two-dimensional semiconductors. Realizing these predictions in experiments with atoms, ions, photons etc, which potentially allow the experimentalist to perform measurements complementary to those made in condensed matter systems, is thus highly desirable!Non-Abelian gauge fields couple the motional states of the particles to their internal degrees of freedom (such as hyperfine states for atoms or ions, electronic spins for electrons, etc). In this sense external non-Abelian fields extend the concept of spin–orbit coupling (Rashba and Dresselhaus couplings), familiar from AMO and condensed matter physics. They lead to yet another variety of fascinating phenomena such as the quantum spin Hall effect, three-dimensional topological insulators, topological superconductors and superfluids of various kinds. One also expects here the appearance of excitations in a form of topological edge states that can support robust transport, or entangled Majorana fermions in the case of topological superconductors or superfluids. Again, while many kinds of topological insulators have been realized in condensed matter systems, a controlled way of creating them in AMO systems and studying quantum phase transitions between various kinds of them is obviously very appealing and challenging.The various systems listed so far correspond to static gauge fields, which are externally imposed by the experimentalists. Even more fascinating is the possibility of generating synthetically dynamical gauge fields, i.e. gauge fields that evolve in time according to an interacting gauge theory, e.g., a full lattice gauge theory (LGT). These dynamical gauge fields can also couple to matter fields, allowing the quantum simulation of such complex systems (notoriously hard to simulate using ‘traditional’ computers), which are particularly relevant for modern high-energy physics. So far, most of the theoretical proposals concern the simulation of Abelian gauge theories, however, several groups have recently proposed extensions to the non-Abelian scenarios.The scope of the present focused issue of Journal of Physics B is to cover all of these developments, with particular emphasis on the non-Abelian gauge fields. The 14 papers in this issue include contributions from the leading theory groups working in this field; we believe that this collection will provide the reference set for quantum simulations of gauge fields. Although the special issue contains exclusively theoretical proposals and studies, it should be stressed that the progress in experimental studies of artificial Abelian and non-Abelian gauge fields in recent years has been simply spectacular. Multiple leading groups are working on this subject and have already obtained a lot of seminal results.The papers in the special issue are ordered according to the date of acceptance. The issue opens with a review article by Zhou et al [1] on unconventional states of bosons with synthetic spin–orbit coupling.Next, the paper by Maldonado-Mundo et al [2] studies ultracold Fermi gases with artificial Rashba spin–orbit coupling in a 2D gas. Anderson and Charles [3], in contrast, discuss a three-dimensional spin–orbit coupling in a trap. Orth et al [4] investigate correlated topological phases and exotic magnetism with ultracold fermions, again in the presence of artificial gauge fields. The paper of Nascimbène [5] does not address the synthetic gauge fields directly, but describes an experimental proposal for realizing one-dimensional topological superfluids with ultracold atomic gases; obviously, this problem is well situated in the general and growing field of topological superfluids, in particular those realized in the presence of non-Abelian gauge fields/spin–orbit coupling.Graß et al [6] consider in their paper fractional quantum Hall states of a Bose gas with spin–orbit coupling induced by a laser. Particular attention is drawn here to the possibility of realizing states with non-Abelian anyonic excitations. Zheng et al [7] study properties of Bose gases with Raman-induced spin–orbit coupling.Kiffner et al [8] in their paper touch on another kind of system, namely ultracold Rydberg atoms. In particular they study the generation of Abelian and non-Abelian gauge fields in dipole–dipole interacting Rydberg atoms.The behaviour of fermions in synthetic non-Abelian gauge potentials is discussed by Shenoy and Vyasanakere [9]. The paper starts with the study of Rashbon condensates (i.e. Bose condensates in the presence of Rashba coupling) and also introduces novel kinds of exotic Hamiltonians. Goldman et al [10] propose a concrete setup for realizing arbitrary non-Abelian gauge potentials in optical square lattices; they discuss how such synthetic gauge fields can be exploited to generate Chern insulators.Zygelman [11], similarly as Kiffner et al [8], discusses in his paper non-Abelian gauge fields in Rydberg systems. Marchukov et al [12] return to the subject of spin–orbit coupling, and investigate spectral gaps of spin–orbit coupled particles in the realistic situations of deformed traps.The last two papers, in contrast, are devoted to different subjects. Edmonds et al [13] consider a ‘dynamical’ density-dependent gauge potential, and study the Josephson effect in a Bose–Einstein condensate subject to such a potential. Last, but not least, Mazzucchi et al [14] study the properties of semimetal-superfluid quantum phase transitions in 3D lattices with Dirac points.

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