
The ubiquity of nanoparticles, sourced from both natural environments and human activities, presents critical challenges for public health. While offering significant potential for innovative biomedical applications-especially in enhancing drug transport across the blood-brain barrier-these particles also introduce possible hazards due to inadvertent exposure. This concise review explores the paradoxical nature of nanoparticles, emphasizing their promising applications in healthcare juxtaposed with their potential neurotoxic consequences. Through a detailed examination, we delineate the pathways through which nanoparticles can reach the brain and the subsequent health implications. There is growing evidence of a disturbing association between nanoparticle exposure and the onset of neurodegenerative conditions, highlighting the imperative for comprehensive research and strategic interventions. Gaining a deep understanding of these mechanisms and enacting protective policies are crucial steps toward reducing the health threats of nanoparticles, thereby maximizing their therapeutic advantages.

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