
In this work, we point out that the apparent diphoton excess initially presented by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations could have originated from a radion in the bulk Higgs scenario within a warped extra dimension. In this scenario, the couplings of the radion to massive gauge bosons are suppressed, allowing it to evade existing searches. In the presence of mixing with the Higgs, due to the strong constraints from diboson searches, only points near what we denominate the alignment region were able to explain the diphoton signal and evade other experimental constraints. In light of the new measurements presented at ICHEP 2016 by both LHC collaborations, which do not confirm the initial diphoton excess, we study the current and future collider constraints on a radion within the bulk-Higgs scenario. We find that searches in the diphoton channel provide the most powerful probe of this scenario and already exclude large regions of parameter space, particularly for smaller warp factors. The radion has a sizeable branching ratio into top pairs and this channel may also give competitive constraints in the future. Finally, di-Higgs searches can provide a complementary probe in the case of nonzero radion-Higgs mixing but strong alignment.

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