
The purpose. The paper considers the concept of lean management as a modern tool of technological, production and management systems. Generalized ways and means of eliminating the main types of losses that exist in enterprises. Methods. Methods of formal and dialectical logic were used on the basis of critical analysis of the situation of domestic and foreign researchers who studied the relevant aspects of the implementation and use of lean production tools in operational management. Methods of scientific abstraction, induction and deduction were used to clarify the category under study and to form scientific-theoretical and practical bases for studying the effectiveness of the implemented system. The results. The construction of modern production and management systems based on the tools of lean production is considered. The practical experience of implementing the concept of lean production at a metallurgical enterprise is presented. The introduction of the concept of lean production in general and its individual tools for the development of individual systems has led to increased efficiency of the enterprise. The author emphasize that solving the problem of improving the efficiency of enterprises is relevant to modern Ukrainian enterprises, because of the concept of lean production helps to optimize processes at the enterprise without incurring additional costs.

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