
Abstract. Introduction. Improving the efficiency of the use of public resources and the quality of medical care provided in modern conditions is becoming one of the priority tasks of science and healthcare management. In industry and the service sector, different management methods are successfully applied. Lean production is considered one such example in healthcare. Lean production is a management concept based on an unswerving commitment to eliminating all types of waste, continuous improvement of processes, improvement of organization and working conditions. One of the central provisions of Lean production is the concept of value for a patient and a medical worker in the performance of a medical service [1]. In the Republic of Belarus in 2019 the implementation of the pilot project of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus "Caring Polyclinic" was started, which was based on the principles and tools of lean production. The goal of the pilot project is to increase the satisfaction of consumers of medical services with the quality and availability of medical care by optimizing business processes and eliminating losses. Research methods: the study presents a process of providing health care to the population, which can be improved based on the principles of lean production. Possible directions of using the accumulated material on the application of the principles of lean production in the healthcare system in the context of COVID-19 are considered [2]. Studied and analyzed the original publications containing information on the features of the organization of medical care in a lean production [3]. Results. The concept of lean production is able to solve the main problems of organizing the work of primary health care and demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach for optimizing the business processes of providing medical care. The use of leanproduction technologies in a polyclinic allows not only to increase the throughput of the institution, increase labor productivity, but also to ensure the quality of medical care, to increase the satisfaction of patients and employees. Conclusion. The use of the principles and tools of lean production in healthcare provides an increase in the productivity and efficiency of medical workers, optimization of work processes, which leads to a reduction in the waiting time for patient services and a reduction in the duration of patient treatment, respectively, to improve the quality of medical care, reduce costs, and increase patient and employee satisfaction.

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