
This study aims to determine the implementation of work discipline that affects the performance of employees in the general administration service section at the Pebayuran District Office, Bekasi Regency, which is located at Jalan Raya Pebayuran, Kertasari Village. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method. To obtain information, data collection techniques were carried out by triangulation (combined) using the methods of observation, interviews, questionnaires and data sources. The population of this study were all employees of the Pebayuran sub-district office, totaling 40 employees and the sample of this study was 8 employees in the general administration service division. The results of the study show that the level of discipline for employees of the general administration service section at the Pebayuran sub-district office, namely attendance is quite low in 2021, the low level of employee absenteeism affects the level of employee performance in making E-KTP in 2021, it is necessary to take action from the leadership to can increase the employee's absenteeism by giving punishment in the form of a verbal warning if the employee commits a minor violation, SP1 and SP2 if the employee commits a moderate violation, SP3 if the employee commits a serious violation, then the leadership provides an attendance or fingerprint application for all employees. It is hoped that in the future, after the application of work discipline, the performance of the general administration service employees of the Pebayuran sub-district office will increase, and their discipline and performance will also increase.

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