
Visual sentiment analysis is the way to automatically recognize positive and negative emotions from images, videos, graphics and stickers. To estimate the polarity of the sentiment evoked by images in terms of positive or negative sentiment, most of the state of the art works exploit the text associated with a social post provided by the user. However, such textual data is typically noisy due to the subjectivity of the user, which usually includes text useful to maximize the diffusion of the social post. This System will extract three views: visual view, subjective text view and objective text view of Flickr images and will give sentiment polarity positive, negative or neutral based on the hypothesis table. Subjective text view gives sentiment polarity using VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) and objective text view gives sentiment polarity with three convolution neural network models. This system implements VGG-16, Inception-V3 and ResNet-50 convolution neural networks with pre pre-trained ImageNet dataset. The text extracted through these three convolution networks is given to VADER as input to find sentiment polarity. This system implements visual view using a bag of visual word model with BRISK (Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Key points) descriptor. System has a training dataset of 30000 positive, negative and neutral images. All the three views’ sentiment polarity is compared. The final sentiment polarity is calculated as positive if two or more views gives positive sentiment polarity, as negative if two or more views gives negative sentiment polarity and as neutral if two or more views gives neutral sentiment polarity. If all three views give unique polarity then the polarity of the objective text view is given as output sentiment polarity.

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