
Based on Law Number 23 of 2014, the potential for improving community welfare is an optional affair by the government. This encourages every local government to develop a tourist village. Therefore, this study provides an overview of the application of the rules in order to develop the Kepuharjo Tourism Village in Cangkringan District, Sleman Regency. Furthermore, this study uses the type of rule application from George C. Edward III. In the preparation of this research, the researcher used a descriptive qualitative approach. This means that the types of data sources used are primary and secondary data. Based on the results of interviews and observations, it can be concluded that the implementation of the policy for developing the Tourism Village of Kepuharjo Village is not optimal. The implementation of the program is not optimal because there are several factors that influence the development of tourism villages, namely from the resources and bureaucratic structures. Meanwhile, the driving factors for the development of the tourism village are aspects of communication and disposition.


  • This study provides an overview of the implementation of the Sleman Regency Regulation Number 11 of 2015 which regulates the 2015-2025 Regional Tourism Development Master Plan as a tourism development master plan policy

  • Regarding the aspect of human resources in implementing tourism policies, the village government still has several obstacles in the development of tourist villages. Obstacles experienced such as employees in this village office who are still high school graduates and many are not from the field of tourism science so it is still difficult to develop and requires a third party who is an expert or professional in terms of developing a tourist village

  • Development related to tourism villages has been carried out by a multi-level bureaucracy, which includes the Sleman Regency Government which was delegated to the Tourism Office as the top level, the Cangkringan Regency Government as the middle level, and the Kepuharjo Village Government as the last level

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This study provides an overview of the implementation of the Sleman Regency Regulation Number 11 of 2015 which regulates the 2015-2025 Regional Tourism Development Master Plan as a tourism development master plan policy. This research is interesting to study because of the emergence of the tourism village phenomenon as a logical consequence of the allocation and authority of the budget in the village after the village law This provides dynamics or opportunities for the village to increase the income of the village community. The Kepuharjo tourism village initiated the management of the tourist village as a result of the tourism development master plan policy, namely the Sleman Regency Regulation Number 11 of 2015 which regulates the 2015-2025 Regional Tourism Development Master Plan. In carrying out state policies, there are several underlying aspects, namely based on/compliance with applicable decisions, public interests/needs and the future are goals, along with the best strategy or strategy to solve problems in order to achieve predetermined goals (Irawan, 2019). In the public policy cycle, there is an implementation stage, where implementation is carried out after the policy is formulated so that it is easy to understand/clear the objectives (Wahyudi, Sukamara, & Tengah, 2016)

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