
The article is dedicated to examining the All-Russian project “Sambo to School”, which aims at not only improving children’s physical characteristics and mastery of sports but also developing their spiritual and moral qualities and bringing harmony between the body and the spirit. The purpose of the present study is to determine the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the principle of consciousness and activity in the process of training young sambo wrestlers training as part of the third physical education lesson at school. A pedagogical experiment is conducted on the basis of the Municipal secondary school №6 of Khabarovsk (Russia) as part of the additional physical education lesson and sambo lessons. As a result of the work, psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the principle of consciousness and activity in the activities of primary school children are investigated, developed, and implemented. The article presents an analysis of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the realization of the principle of consciousness and activity among children starting to do sambo. Summarization of the obtained experimental data is conducted as a result of the development and application of a method for realizing the principle of consciousness and activity in primary school students’ training in sambo techniques. The results of the study showed the positive impact of practicing a conscious approach to training process and daily duties, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed influences for harmonizing the students’ personalities and their spiritual and moral development. Keywords: pedagogical principles, consciousness, activity, sambo, psychological and pedagogical conditions.

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