
The problem in Indonesia that until now has become a topic of conversation is the issue of environmental damage. The existence of the issue of environmental damage due to low public awareness of the potential that exists in the area. One of the causes of the issue of environmental damage, namely mining in Indonesia is increasing from year to year. The presence of CSR PT Pertamina IT Dumai gives its social responsibility to the community to help develop mangrove ecotourism in Dumai Riau. Through programs, assistance, and infrastructure assistance. Pertamina Niaga CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) IT Dumai provides assistance in the process of developing mangrove tourism to make it more optimal. The role of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Pertamina IT Dumai chose this location because of the potential of mangrove plants which have many functions, one of which is the prevention of natural disasters. For this reason, the establishment of Mangrove Ecotourism aims to exploit the potential of mangrove forests to increase the economic value of the local community. Through the development of ecotourism. The Mangrove Ecotourism Development Program also helps create new jobs for people in the area through the POKDARWIS (Tourism Awareness Group) community. The group is supported by Pertamina IT Dumai CSR and is provided with infrastructural facilities, assistance. The goal is that mangrove ecotourism can develop and be known by foreign circles.

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