
This article is devoted to using the information and communication technologies in education and their implementation into activities of pedagogues of a pre-school educational organization. Topicality of the selected issue is related to the current process of informatization of the Russian education. A sphere of scientific sectors is outlined within which the informatization of education and organization of the process of pedagogues’ acquiring the information and communication technologies are studied. Theoretical studies are viewed which shows that insufficient level of innovation in pre-school education is caused by the low level of informatization in a pre-school organization. It is shown that information society sets new requirements to educational systems – they have to become effective and innovational, which will allow each pedagogue to realize their potential. The indicators and results of pedagogues’ acquiring the information and communication technologies are presented. The main attention is paid to the methodological provision of the process of pedagogues’ acquiring the information and communication technologies and conditions of its implementation. The events held with pedagogues in “School of the information and communication technologies” are very interesting. The material has large practical value and allows using the offered program for pre-school educational organizations’ pedagogues’ acquiring the information and communication technologies. These issues are of a many-sided character.

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