
Child Friendly Schools are schools / madrasas that are safe, clean, healthy, green, inclusive and comfortable for the physical, cognitive and psychosocial development of girls and boys including children who require special education and / or special service education; which openly involves children to participate in all activities, social life, and encourage children's growth and prosperity. The Child Friendly School Program launched by the government aims to improve the mainstreaming of children's rights in Indonesia. In the Province of Begkulu there is no Child Friendly School. Kaur Regency is currently a pilot district for the development of primary and secondary education in the province of Bengkulu. The determination of the pilot project for Child Friendly Schools is conducted by coordinating with the Education and Culture Office of Kaur Regency. For elementary school level, SDN 41 Kaur was chosen, given the school's reputation, strategic location and their readiness to implement this program. For the junior high school level, there were selected 36 PKLK junior high schools (Special Education Special Services). This school is boarding and for 24 hours students are in a school environment, students from disadvantaged groups. This socialization activity uses lecture methods, discussion and film visualization. The lecture method aims to provide a foundation of understanding of child-friendly school programs and discussion methods aimed at perfecting understanding. Film visualization method is given to strengthen the understanding of the community / students in the form of motivational impressions in order to want to implement this program. The output of the activity is the formation of child-friendly pilot elementary and junior high schools and public awareness of the needs of Child Friendly Schools in Kaur District.

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