
Current pedagogical models of higher education, seek to narrow the gap between the University and the Industry. The aim of these programs, is that graduates are able to join the productive sectors as soon as they complete their studies, which leads to time saving and also permit companies to hire talented human resources Nowadays, the University of Veracruz, a higher education institution in Mexico, lacks a Dual Training Model. Based on the current challenges that Mexican society is facing, The University needs to be at the forefront of change. The aim of this article is to propose a Dual Training Model at the University of Veracruz which will be implemented in the second semester 2020. A committee chaired by the Academic Directorate of the Technical Area was appointed for the evaluation and feasibility of the program. Our proposal took into account successful national and international initiatives that link the industry with academia and we adapt them to our current socio-economic necessities, characteristics and environment of the University of Veracruz.

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