
Since the enactment of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, a number of physical therapy programs have taken steps necessary to integrate this law into their programs. This study examined the areas of essential functions and reasonable accommodations as they relate to physical therapy programs' admission and accommodation practices. A survey questionnaire was designed and mailed to 70 randomly selected physical therapy programs. From the survey instruments returned, it was determined that a small number of students with disabilities were enrolled in physical therapy programs during the academic years 1990-1997. These students' disabilities most often became apparent to the institution post-admission or when classes began. Of the institutions surveyed, 35% had a list of essential functions. In most cases, this list was distributed with the application materials. All of the accommodations for students with mobility, hearing, and visual impairments listed in the survey instrument were considered reasonable by the majority of the respondents. Almost all of the accommodations listed had been provided in at least one instance.

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