
One of the most important goals of the European Union is to provide citizens of the Member States security and stability in fuel and electricity sectors. The United Nations has defined 17 goals and 169 actions to achieve sustainable development of the world. The goals were to improve the quality of life, reduce the level of poverty, inequalities in the world and sustainable development in terms of climate and environmental protection. The article presents an analysis of the implementation of one of the assumed goals, i.e., sustainable development in the field of Affordable and clean Energy in the European Union. This goal is to ensure that every citizen has access to stable, sustainable, and modern energy at an affordable price. Among others, indicators such as energy import dependency, energy productivity, share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption, final energy consumption in households per capita were analysed. The authors analysed the trends of the above-mentioned indicators in the European Union, with particular emphasis on Poland. In order to be able to predict how the analysed phenomena will develop until 2030, the authors built forecasts. For this purpose, among others, ARIMA models were used. The authors created several dozen models, from among which model with the smallest ex post errors and the lowest value of information criteria were selected. The models allowed to determine the degree of achievement of the set goals. They also allowed the designation of scenarios for the potential development of the analysed indicators.

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