
Energy security affects the functioning of countries politically, economically, and socially. Energy is an important factor in sustainable development efforts. Hence, countries are assessing their energy systems for compatibility with sustainable development goals by creating new concepts for energy development. Combining the concepts of energy security and sustainable energy consumption, an analysis of the differentiation of EU countries in terms of selected indicators indicated in Goal 7 of Agenda 2030 was carried out in dynamic terms. Two groups of indicators were distinguished. One group of indicators was selected to represent the changes in energy demand reported by final consumers, taking into account the use of energy obtained from renewable sources. The second group of indicators represents those relating to the security of supply of raw materials, i.e., energy dependency indicators broken down by major energy commodities and an energy productivity indicator. The analysis uses the coefficient of relative proximity of the facility to the ideal facility proposed in the TOPSIS method. The analyses carried out do not indicate that there is a relationship between the level of sustainable energy consumption and energy productivity or energy import dependency. A statistically significant correlation was observed between energy import dependency by oil and petroleum products and primary energy consumption, and between the share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption and total energy import dependency.

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