
Information technology and communication (telematics) is one of the most rapidly developing business sectors in Indonesia. It has strategic position in its contribution towards planning and implementation of developmental, economics, social, politics and defence strategies in business, communication and education. Aid absorption for the national telecommunication SMEs is relatively low; therefore, improvement is needed using analysis on business support cluster of which basis is types of business. In the study, the business support cluster analysis is specifically implemented for Indonesian telecommunication service. The data for the business are obtained from the National Census of Economic (Susenas 2006). The method used to develop cluster model is an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) system called Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) algorithm. Based on Index of Davies Bouldin (IDB), the accuracy level of the cluster model is 0.37 or can be categorized as good. The cluster model is developed to find out telecommunication business clusters that has influence towards the national economy so that it is easier for the government to supervise telecommunication business.

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