Enhanced Recovery After Cesarean Surgery (ERACS) has been popular since the COVID-19 pandemic to reduce the length of stay in the hospital which is risky for spreading the virus. Apart from that, ERACS is also aimed at reducing the level of pain and accelerating the ability to mobilize. This study aimed to review journal articles related to the implementation of ERACS in Indonesia based on the Decree of The Minister of Health of The Republic of Indonesia Number Hk.01.07/Menkes/1541/2022 Concerning National Guidelines for Medical Services for Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy related to medical, ethical, and legal trends and initiative ERACS to the concept of pain management as a human right. This study used Scholar Google as a search database using keywords: ("Enhanced Recovery After Caesarean Section" OR “ERACS”) AND “Indonesia”. The findings according to 8 journal articles were ERACS is effective in reducing the level of pain, length of stay, infection, and complication. However, ERACS has no impact on colostrum production. There are some side effects that happened to less than half of the sample, which are nausea, vomiting, and chills. However, the hospitals need to arrange the specific protocol of ERACS during pre-operative, intra-operative, and post-operative
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