
This study aims to describe the mechanism for implementing management information systems, supporting factors, inhibiting factors, and determining the strategy for implementing personnel management information systems at the Regional Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency in Tojo Una-Una Regency. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques used were interviews and documentation with validation and data analysis using SWOT analysis and interactive models (collection, reduction, presentation, and Drawing conclusions) from Miles and Huberman. Factors supporting the implementation of management information systems from internal factors, namely employee loyalty in carrying out tasks with full responsibility and support from leaders who support the implementation of personnel management information systems properly. In addition, from external factors is the Implementation of the Merit System in the management of State Civil Apparatus which is mandated in the ASN Law No. 5 of 2014. The inhibiting factors for the implementation of the personnel management information system from internal factors are the uneven quality and quantity of existing human resources, as well as the lack of supporting facilities. Such as computers, document scan tools and unstable internet network infrastructure. From internal factors, there is a mutation of employees, which is carried out using a (spoil) approach and limited budgetary funding support. The implementation strategy is to carry out education and training activities for human resources, improve facilities and infrastructure, and further enhance the integration of data and information communication between sectors.

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