
The Maryland State Highway Administration (MDSHA) has developed a new, performance-based construction specification for ride quality. The new specification was developed as a strategy to meet an objective in the MDSHA business plan that requires the percentage of smoother pavements to increase statewide over the next 5 years. The new specification allows the use of inertial profiler testing devices as well as California-style rolling-wheel profilographs and includes incentive- and disincentive-based pay adjustments for asphalt paving. The specification includes an innovative approach to establishing acceptable ride quality values that considers many of the factors that affect the ability to construct a smooth riding surface. In addition, the specification includes clear identification of pay adjustments that are calculated using a software application developed by MDSHA. The new specification is to be included in all projects advertised after July 1, 2001, and implementation involves efforts to train construction project personnel in the use of the specification. Future implementation efforts phase out the use of the California-style profilograph by 2004. The efforts completed to date to develop the new specification are described, and highlights of the new specification are provided.

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