The study considers the issue of integrating traditions and principles of mobile learning in entrepreneurship education. The purpose of the research is to study the level of implementation of mobile learning methods in higher education through the example of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The study involves a survey of 99 teachers from 5 universities. The survey results confirmed that both external factors (primarily globalization and widespread introduction of information and communication technologies) and internal factors affect higher education. It has been shown that national traditions do not contradict the best practices of entrepreneurship education and are successfully integrated into mobile learning practices. The level of integration of advanced trends in the transformation of education in the practice of mobile learning has been highly assessed by the teachers (3.44 out of 5 points on the Likert scale). The benefit of mobile learning for implementing the identified advanced trends (3.44 - 4.84 on the Likert scale) has also been highly praised. For example, respect for elders by age, experience, rank; practical focus; comprehensive assessment; rationality; involvement of each family member in hard work are supported by advanced learning methods, including the involvement of skilled lecturers, the increased importance of practical tasks, the use of project approach and startups; the use of mobile applications to assess knowledge; personalization of classes; the introduction of distance learning, etc. Flexible integration of national traditions and innovations can become a competitive advantage of the university and the education system; it is also being successfully implemented in mobile learning. A model for the formation of entrepreneurial competence in students based on the use of mobile applications along with cloud services that takes into account the flexible integration of traditions and innovation has been developed.
The modern economy is globalized and innovative; it is often referred to as the knowledge economy [1] as modern society development is based on knowledge and the latest technologies
A survey of 97 teachers conducted at five universities in Azerbaijan showed a high level of implementation of mobile learning mechanisms
The tradition to respect older people, their experience and work, as well as the practical focus of studies, comprehensive assessment, rationality and transfer of experience are consolidated through advanced learning methods, including the involvement of skilled lecturers, increase in the number of practical tasks, the use of project approach and startups, the use of mobile applications to assess knowledge, personalization of classes, introduction of distance learning, etc
The modern economy is globalized and innovative; it is often referred to as the knowledge economy [1] as modern society development is based on knowledge and the latest technologies. The development of a knowledge society around the world requires educational reforms, which will contribute to education through a reasonable combination of the global best practices and national traditions. Higher education in post-Soviet countries faces the challenge of bridging the gap between raw material production and the knowledge-based economy, which is the basic development model of the leading economies today [2,3]. The problems of the post-Soviet countries are similar to those being addressed by developed economies that are forced to adapt to technological changes quickly [4,5]. The number of people of all ages interested in learning specific subjects and getting a second degree is growing; education types and duration are being changed, and its tasks are becoming more complicated
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