
Fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities can be implemented by the government and society through non-profit organizations, one of which is the Bali Humanitarian Care Foundation (YPK). YPK is one of the rehabilitation center foundations in Bali, the activities are carried out quite regularly. This type of research is empirical legal research. The data collected was obtained through interviews, observation and documentation at YPK (persons with physical disabilities. Data analysis techniques used qualitative methods. In early 2019 the world faced COVID-19 which caused various orders to undergo significant changes. Governor of Bali Number 46 of 2020 concerning health protocols up to Governor Circular Number 01 of 2021 concerning Restriction of Community Activities in dealing with COVID-19 which causes interaction patterns to change. The purpose of this study is to analyze the obstacles and solutions that occur in fulfilling the right to rehabilitation for persons with disabilities. There needs to be social attention that can be done in community participation, such as the types of fundraising to help rehabilitation therapy facilities and facilities.

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