
Indonesia is the largest maritime and archipelagic country in the world. The biggest problem in Indonesia, which covers 75% of the ocean area, is the gap between this enormous potential and optimal utilization capacity. In exploiting this potential, it can be done by increasing the aquaculture sector. One solution to this problem is to carry out a community empowerment program that targets fishermen. This study aims to describe the implementation process of empowering fishermen in the Tangguh Kelong program by utilizing floating net cages (KJA) fostered by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga DPPU Hang Nadim and other stakeholders so that it can be developed and sustainable. This research is research with the descriptive qualitative method by describing problem-solving based on the results of interviews, observations, and literature studies. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the Kelong Tangguh program in the Trihindo Jaya Lestari Group has had an impact on increasing economic welfare, increasing employment, increasing capacity and social interaction, as well as activities aimed at improving the underprivileged community in Terih Village. In implementing the Tangguh Kelong program, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga DPPU Hang Nadim provided various facilities such as capacity building and infrastructure development. Apart from that, the Kelong Tangguh program also uses social innovations in the implementation of the program, namely the construction of floating guard houses, the use of solar panels, floating restaurants, and frozen food management. The existence of the Kelong Tangguh program is expected to help increase the economy, especially for members of the Trihindo Jaya group and the surrounding environment, and in the future, the Kelong Tangguh program can be implemented in other areas in carrying out fishermen group empowerment programs.

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