
ARM (Association Rule Mining), one of the most frequently used technique in the domain of data mining and machine learning. Using association rule mining or rule learning extracts the hidden patterns in terms of the association between entities of the training data set. This technique is applied on number of data sets by different researchers and academicians, still this area is under research as the domain and data sets increase very frequently. Association rule learning is a mainstream and generally inquired about system for finding intriguing relations between variables in expansive databases. It is proposed to distinguish solid rules found in databases utilizing distinctive measures of interestingness. Based on the idea of solid rules, Rakesh Agrawal et al. presented association rules for finding regularities between items in expansive scale exchange information recorded by purpose of-offer (POS) frameworks in markets. The data set can be utilized as the premise for choices about promoting exercises, for example, e.g., limited time estimating or item positions. Notwithstanding the above illustration from business crate investigation association rules are utilized today in numerous application regions including Web utilization mining, interruption recognition, Continuous generation, and bioinformatics. This manuscript highlight and implements a novel approach for association rule mining using back navigation and is implemented on the unique dataset.

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