
This article uses a case study method to explore implementing an organisation’s digital competency-building strategy. The research examines the organisation’s context, including its size, industry and current digital landscape, to comprehensively understand its challenges and opportunities in developing digital competencies. Through qualitative data collection techniques such as interviews, surveys and observations, the research uncovers the specific strategies employed by the organisation to build digital competencies. These strategies may include training programmes, mentorship initiatives, online learning platforms and other relevant interventions. Additionally, the research explores the factors that influence the success or failure of these strategies, such as leadership support, organisational culture and employee engagement. This study used the multi-criteria decision-making analysis technique VIKOR to prioritise these factors and provide a prescriptive approach for digital competency building in a business programme to remove subjectivity and bias. Findings indicate that the digital competency-building initiative, including improved employee performance, enhanced digital literacy and increased innovation, is analysed to gauge the overall impact on the organisation’s success. Ultimately, this research aims to inform organisations about the importance of digital competency building and provide guidance on effective strategies for implementation. The case study approach allows for a deep exploration of the contextual factors and provides actionable recommendations for organisations looking to enhance their digital capabilities. By aligning their workforce’s skills with the demands of the digital age, organisations can better position themselves for success in an increasingly digitalised world.

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