
One of the main problems encountered in production processes is data acquisition on the factory floor. With the increase in production complexity, the amount of data to be collected increases. Currently, data are collected both manually and automatically. The manual collection involves documentation in a folder and storing in a separate room. However, there are other types of data that are automatically recorded into an information system. The data are registered and processed in different systems, which depend on the production stage in which the data are collected. The evolution of wireless technologies, such as wireless local area networks, sensor networks, and radiofrequency identification (RFID) systems, has favored the creation of mobile services related to the ??computing aspect. Therefore, this paper presents a model of the implementation of an electronic identification system based on RFID technology, for application in automatic traceability of products in a didactic manufacturing cell installed in the programmable logic controller (PLC) network laboratory of the São Paulo Institute, Brazil.

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