
Indonesia is one of the multicultural country. This can be seen from the multitude of religious differences, ethnic, geographic and cultural. The existence of various diversity that is owned by the people of Indonesia when not managed with good will generate conflicts.. Based on this, then needed a special strategy to solve the problem through various areas of education, economic, social and culture. Efforts must be continuously, systematic and sustainable. The planting of the values of diversity that effective can be done through the world of education. One of the alternative and efforts in take by Schools Integrated Confucius Playgroup, Kindergarten, and Elmentary School Mulia Bakti namely the implementation of the multicultural-Based Education. Integrated Confucius school Play Group and Kindergarten Standards Prostitutes is one of the schools that the multicultural because teachers and students consists of various differences in religion, race and culture.
 Multicultural Education is a reform in the education sector toward learning and lead to the output of the students to reach the achievement. Multicultural Education is also a development of students potential optimally which can be realized with an equal education service. Education multukultural oriented more on equality, diversity, respect over the plurality of languages, religion, race, tribe, culture, etc.
 Implementation of the multicultural-based education requires all elements of the teachers and the students, school principals and educators. The implementation of the multicultural education includes 5 dimensions: integration dimension, construction knowledge, reducing prejudice, education equivalent, and empowerment of the structure of the school.

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