
 Pekerja tambang emas tradisional adalah orang yang melakukan pekerjaan demi mencukupi kebutuhan hidup, tanpa memikirkan dampak dari pekerjaan yang dilakukan baik dalam segi lingkungan maupun kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasiipenggunaan metode Photovoice dalam menciptakan ruang denganipekerja tambang emas melalui Participatory Action Research (PAR). Digunakan metode kualitatif secara konstruktif dan CBPR. Informan ditentukan melalui teknik purposive sampling, dengan kriteria menggunakan prinsip kesesuaian dan kecukupan pada tujuan penelitian. Didapatkan sebanyak 18 informan (pekerja tambang, tenaga kesehatan, dan pemangku kebijakan). Informasi terkait TB Paru dikumpulkan melalui photovoice, FGD dan wawancara mendalam. Analisis tematik digunakan untuk melihat pola dan tema penelitian. Hasil penelitian, yaitu pekerja sudah memahami tentang TB paru melalui informasi dari keluarga, tenaga kesehatan, dan masyarakat, akan tetapi masih terjadi pengabaian. Pada perilakunya, meskipun beberapa pekerja sudah mengurangi salah satu kebiasaannya, masih ada yang memiliki kebiasaan pemicu penularan TB paru seperti merokok, perilaku makan dan tidak menjaga jarak, penggunaan pakaian kerja, dan sakit tetap bekerja. Pada pencegahan, kesadaran untuk mengenakan APD sudah ada, akan tetapi ketersediaannya terbatas. Selain itu, ketidaknyamanan memakai APD, prinsip sakit, keamanan yang belum terjamin, dan belum adanya pemeriksaan khusus membuat pekerja tambang belum bisa meminimalisir penularan TB paru secara efektif di tambang emas. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan TB paru akan berisiko dengan pekerjaan tambang emas tradisional terutama pada perilaku, kebiasaan yang belum tepat, tidak menerapkan hidup sehat, dan tidak bekerja sesuai standar kesehatan. Diharapkan perangkat desa dan pekerja tambang emas tradisional untuk koordinasi bersama tenaga kesehatan dalam penemuan suspek TB Paru bisa ditangani dengan cepat, agar TB Paru pada pekerja tambang emas tradisional dapat di cegah sedini mungkin. Serta mencari solusi terbaik pekerja tambang emas tradisional agar dapat menerapkan pola perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat dalam bekerja.
 Kata ikunci i: Pekerja tambang emas, TB Paru, Participatory Action Research
 Traditional gold mine workers are people who do work to make ends meet, without thinking about the impact of the work done both in terms of the environment and health. The purpose of this study is to explore the use of the Photovoice method in creating space with gold mine workers through Participatory Action Research (PAR). Constructively used qualitative methods and CBPR. Informants were determined through a purposive sampling technique, with criteria using the principles of suitability and adequacy for research purposes. There were 18 informants (mining workers, health workers, and policy makers). Information related to pulmonary TB was collected through photovoice, FGD and in-depth interviews. Thematic analysis is used to see research patterns and themes. The results of the study, namely workers already understand about pulmonary TB through information from families, health workers, and the community, but there is still neglect. In terms of behavior, even though some workers have reduced one of their habits, there are still those who have habits that trigger the transmission of pulmonary TB such as smoking, eating behavior and not maintaining distance, wearing work clothes, and being sick while still working. In prevention, awareness to wear PPE already exists, but its availability is limited. In addition, the inconvenience of using PPE, the principle of illness, safety that has not been guaranteed, and the absence of special inspections mean that mining workers cannot effectively minimize the transmission of pulmonary TB in gold mines. From the results of the study it can be concluded that pulmonary TB will be at risk with traditional gold mining work, especially in behavior, habits that are not appropriate, not implementing a healthy life, and not working according to health standards. It is hoped that village officials and traditional gold mine workers will coordinate with health workers in finding suspected pulmonary TB can be handled quickly, so that pulmonary TB in traditional gold mine workers can be prevented as early as possible. As well as looking for the best solutions for traditional gold mining workers so they can apply a clean and healthy lifestyle at work
 Keywords: Traditional gold mining workers, Pulmonary TB, Participatory Action Research

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