This research aimed to know: (1) suitability of plan of learning was made by biology teacher with plan of learning based of curicullum 2013; (2) suitability of the implementing of biology learning based on scientific approach with the implementation plan of learning; (3) implementing of learning experience of scientific approach in biology learning; (4) experience learning of scientific approach that is relatively difficult on the implementing of scientific approach in biology learning; (5) Solution in solving obstacles of implementing learning experience of scientific approach in biology learning .Type of this research was quantitative descriptive research. The population of this research was the biology teacher of class X and XI which amounted to 2 people and 111 students of class X and XI. Total sample were 2 teachers and 98 students. The research data was taken by observation, questionnaire, interview and documentation.The results showed that: (1) the suitability of plan of learning was made by biology teacher with plan of learning of curicullum 2013 belonging to the category was good (87,63%); (2) the suitability of the implementing of biology learning biology learning based on scientific approach with the implementation plan of learning belonging to the category was quite (74.51%); (3) the implementing of learning experience of scientific approach in biology learning by student overall was less (48%) With the dominant learning experience was observed (81%) with forms of learning experience in the form of reading, listening, listening and seeing; (4) The learning experience of scientific approach not dominant was associate belonging to the category was less (7%); (5) Solution to overcome obstacles are provides practice to students to solve problems and states the argument, use media in learning gives reward and provide the learning references to students; doing peer discussionsKeywords: learning, learning experience, scientific approach.
This research aimed to know: (1) suitability of plan of learning was made by biology teacher with plan of learning based of curicullum 2013; (2) suitability of the implementing of biology learning based on scientific approach with the implementation plan of learning; (3) implementing of learning experience of scientific approach in biology learning; (4) experience learning of scientific approach that is relatively difficult on the implementing of scientific approach in biology learning; (5) Solution in solving obstacles of implementing learning experience of scientific approach in biology learning .Type of this research was quantitative descriptive research
The research data was taken by observation, questionnaire, interview and documentation.The results showed that: (1) the suitability of plan of learning was made by biology teacher with plan of learning of curicullum 2013 belonging to the category was good (87,63%); (2) the suitability of the implementing of biology learning biology learning based on scientific approach with the implementation plan of learning belonging to the category was quite (74.51%); (3) the implementing of learning experience of scientific approach in biology learning by student overall was less (48%) With the dominant learning experience was observed (81%) with forms of learning experience in the form of reading, listening, listening and seeing; (4) The learning experience of scientific approach not dominant was associate belonging to the category was less (7%); (5)
Supardi., (2015), Penilaian Autentik Pembelajaran Afektif, Kognitif, dan Psikomotor, Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta
Penelitian dilakukan di SMA Swasta UISU Medan di Jalan H. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah 2 orang guru biologi dan 111 siswa. Teknik sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling sebanyak 2 orang guru biologi 98 siswa sebagai sampel penelitian. Instrumen penlitian ini yaitu lembar penilaian RPP guru biologi, lembar observasi aktivitas guru dan siswa dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran biologi berbasis saintific approach, angket siswa untuk mengetahui aktivitas guru dalam pembelajaran biologi berbasis scientific approach sehingga diketahui pengalaman belajar saintifik yang dominan dilakukan siswa dan yang tidak dominan dilakukan, lembar wawancara guru untuk mengetahui kendala guru dalam menerapkan pendekatan saintifik, dan instrumen dokumentasi untuk mengetahui ada atau tidak literatur sebagai sumber solusi untuk mengatasi kendala dalam pembelajaran biologi dengan pendekatan saintifik. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analsis data statistik deskriptif. Dan kurang (≤70) Penyajian data dilakukan dengan tabel, perhitungan rata-rata dan perhitungan persentase dan mendeskripsikan keterangan yang didapat sebagai data Seluruh data dianalisis dengan statistik sederhana dengan menghitung skor dibagi dengan skor ideal, kemudian di interpretasikan ke dalam kategori amat baik (90 < A ≤ 100), baik (80 < B ≤ 90), cukup (70< C ≤ 80). dan kurang (≤70) Penyajian data dilakukan dengan tabel, perhitungan rata-rata dan perhitungan persentase dan mendeskripsikan keterangan yang didapat sebagai data
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