
Along with the issuance of the Joint Regulation of Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region, Regional Police Chief of Yogyakarta Special Region, and Operational Director of PT. Jasa Raharja No.35 Year 2008 No:B/4820/XI/2008 and No: SKEB/12/2008 about the program to improve SAMSAT’s excellent service, SAMSAT Corner was established. Vehicle tax is one of tax incomes which affects regional income. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the tax revenue of vehicle through various efforts. One of the ways is by improving the satisfaction of vehicle taxpayers by giving an optimal service quality. Based on the explanation above, the researcher was eager to find out the implementation of SAMSAT Corner service at Galleria Mall in order to improve vehicle tax in 2014. In this research about the implementation of SAMSAT Corner service, a mix method –quantitative and qualitative methods – was employed. Firstly, the data were collected quantitatively using survey approach. Then, the data were collected qualitatively. Based on the data analysis, the implementation of SAMSAT Corner service at Galleria Mall has run well, as its index value is 3.59 or in good category. SAMSAT Corner service is also influenced by several factors, among others are communication, human resources, disposition, and bureaucracy structure. Their index is 3.76, thus it is in good category as well. The finding in this research shows that the internal organizer of service which is maximum cannot guarantee a good service, because the internal assessment shows better result than the external one. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the implementation of SAMSAT Corner service at Galleria Mall has run well and it gives positive effects to society (vehicle taxpayers).However, the regulation that rules the operation of SAMSAT Corner service at Galleria Mallis not optimal yet, so it is necessary to study it again in order to have a clear regulation about SAMSAT Corner service.

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